Tunnelblick 安装或修复失败的解决方法

症状:无法打开或再次安装Tunnelblick(第一次安装成功),消息窗显示“安装,移除,复原或修复Tunnelblick 模组失败. 详情请查看控制台日志.”


  1. google关键词,无果
  2. 通过AppAapper卸载Tunnelblick,无果
  3. 查看wiki,在这个页面 找到如何完全卸载软件的相关说明Absolutely Complete Uninstall
    Absolutely Complete Uninstall
    For a complete uninstall of the program and all support files, do the following:
    Make sure you have a backup of your Tunnelblick configuration file(s) -- the .ovpn and/or .tblk files.
    Make a note of any configuration settings and appearance and other preferences you have set up. (They will be lost.)
    Follow the instructions above at Uninstalling 3.1 & 3.2.
    Delete any files whose names start with "net.tunnelblick" in the /Library/LaunchDaemons folder:
    Delete the following folders: /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick and ~/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick
    Delete the following files: ~/Library/Preferences/net.tunnelblick.tunnelblick.plist and ~/Library/Preferences/com.openvpn.tunnelblick.plist
    Delete the following link if it exists: ~/Library/openvpn
    Use Keychain Access to delete all Keychain items with names starting with "Tunnelblick".
    Restart your computer.

    试验可知 /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick 权限设置才是导致问题的根本原因

解决方法:删除 /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick 并重新安装即可